ClariTest Core Harmony Prenatal Testing

ClariTestTM Core is a non-invasive prenatal screen (NIPS) that identifies the risk for fetal chromosomal abnormalities. ClariTest Core can be performed as early as 10 weeks gestation from a simple blood draw. ClariTest Core can be used to screen singleton and egg donor/IVF pregnancies for the common trisomies, sex chromosome aneuploidies. Twin gestations can be screened for the common trisomies and for presence of the Y chromosome. Health Canada approved.

  • Doctor Requisition Required – UPLOAD HERE

  • Results within 7-10 days

  • Results uploaded directly to your Centas Por


More info on Prenatal NIPS Testing

Upload your Doctor Requisition

A Doctor requisition is required. 

Please upload here

Conditions Included in ClariTest Core Screening

Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome) 

  • Abnormality: Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome)
  • Incidence: 1 in 800 live births
  • Clinical Features: Mild to moderate intellectual disability and, in some cases, heart defects, digestive abnormalities, and other birth defects

Trisomy 18 (Edward Syndrome)

  • Abnormality: Trisomy 18 (Edward syndrome)
  • Incidence: 1 in 5,000 live births
  • Clinical Features: Severe intellectual disability and life-threatening birth defects

Trisomy 13 (Patau Syndrome)

  • Abnormality: Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome)
  • Incidence: 1 in 16,000 live births
  • Clinical Features: Severe intellectual disability and life-threatening birth defects


Accuracy of the ClairTest Harmony Test

Accuracy is 99% accross all Disorders tested 

How is the test performed?

NIPS ClariTest is done through a simple blood test

What is the cost?


*A $50 late cancelation fee will be charged if an appointment is canceled inside 24hours of the scheduled appointment.