Urinalysis Alcohol Screening

      Centas Med Benefits

      • Appointments Available: Secure an immediate appointment for your test.
      • Confidential Results: Your results are strictly confidential and will not be shared without your consent.
      • Accurate Results: Our urinalysis alcohol screening will provide accurate results within 3 hours of sample collection.
      • Convenient Locations: 7 locations around the greater Montreal area as well as Mobile service. There is a Centas Clinic near you!
      • Insurance Coverage: The cost of the test ($75) is reimbursed  covered by most private insurance plans.
      • No doctor requisition required

      Who is it for? 

      • Before hiring an applicant.
      • During someone’s employment — an employer may randomly or periodically require testing after they hire an employee.
      • When alcohol use is suspected based on signs and symptoms observed in the workplace.
      • After an employee has an accident or incident while working.
      • The diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of substance use disorder.

      • As a tool for monitoring, alcohol testing can help determine treatment adherence, monitor abstinence and detect early relapse.

      • You may need this testing for court-ordered treatment programs, as a term of probation or while participating in a substance use disorder treatment program.

      “As an employer, pre-employment alcohol testing was required and the CentasMed team was professional and provided reliable results”

      – Pierre, Brossard

      More info on our Test

      How is the performed?

      Our staff will provide you with a sealed Urine Sample cup which will be examined.

      Preparation and Procedure
      • Our standard urine substance test preparation will require you to  empty your pockets, and show the items.
      • Minutes before the test is conducted we will secure your personal items and any unacceptable items until we’re done.
      • You’ll be required to provide a freshly voided urine sample. It will be tested immediately, with the certified collector checking for:
        • Unexpected temperature
        • Unexpected volume
        • Unusual colour
        • Unusual odour
        • Presence of foreign objects or material
        • Tampering, adulteration, or substitution
      • Your sample will be medically reviewed and if any of the above are found, we will need you to provide a second urine sample or, possibly, undertake an observed collection.
      If Positive, What happens?

      ALL results are highly confidential and will be shared only with the one being tested. Results will be uploaded directly into the patient Centas Profile unless otherwise arranged.

      What is the cost?


      Corporate Tesing

      Centas Med does offer corporate testing. For more information please email


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